Food Producers

As Food Producers you can help feed people in need!
How often is it that as Food Producers you can help others in your community?
Established by the Canadian Association of Food Banks, The Composting Council of Canada and the Garden Writers Association, Plant Grow Share A Row builds on the long-standing tradition of Canadians loving to share their harvest with others.
The ‘Plant Grow Share A Row program invites Food  Producers to donate excess – all ready picked – fruit and vegetables to their local food bank.

How can you help?

Whether your farm is large or small, earmark your excess or seconds of fruits and vegetables for donation to your local food bank.

How to be Involved

At harvest time, call or take the produce that you would like to donate to your local food bank. (see Food Banks) For large quantities please phone your local food bank first.

Which crops are best for donation?

Root vegetables are best (carrots, parsnips, potatoes) however, any produce that can be easily handled and stored, including broccoli, cabbage, peas, beans, tomatoes, radishes, sweet peppers, summer squash (including zucchini), apples, and pears are welcome.
Your donation, whether it’s a bag of tomatoes, a truckload of zucchini, a box of apples or something else that you’ve grown will be appreciated and put to good use. 

Benefits for Your Community!

  • Fresh produce available to those with the greatest need.
  • People in the community working together.
  • A stronger, healthier community

Benefits for You!

  • A tax receipt (if required)
  • 25% non-refundable Ontario tax credit for farmers who donate their surplus harvest to eligible community food programs such as food banks.
  • Feeling of satisfaction that you are contributing to a worthy cause.

Thank you for donating your
excess – all ready picked – harvest
as part of the
‘Plant Grow Share A Row’